Security Devices & Modern Technology

Sebagai satu solusi lengkap keamanan, kami menyediakan, menjalankan dan merawat berbagai teknologi keamanan, termasuk di dalamnya identifikasi tanda pengenal, alarm maling lengkap dengan sistem pusat pengawasan, rompi anti peluru, mobil patroli, closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance, x-ray dan alat pendetektor logam, dan electronic guard tour. Kami juga memberikan pelatihan untuk penggunaan setiap sistem.

As one stop security solution we supply, install and maintain a wide range of state-of-the-art security technologies, these include identification card printing, burglar alarm complete with its central alarm monitoring system, bulletproof vest, patrol cars, closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance, x-ray and metal screening and electronic guard tour. Operation training for each system will be provided.

About Us

PT. Satria Raksa Buminusa, a privately owned national company was established on 24 April 2004. Holds licences from KAPOLRI to conduct the following services:

  • Education Services
  • Security Devices & Modern Technology Application
  • Security Consultancy Services
  • Manned Guarding Services

Rukan Tanjung Mas Raya B-1 No. 12 Jl. Raya Lenteng Agung, Tanjung Barat-Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta 12530