Our Excellence


Suatu proyek di desain atas prinsip penilaian resiko dan mitigasi atas gangguan keamanan. Dengan faktor yang sangat penting ini maka fokus konsep pengamananan didasarkan pada:

  • Pengukuran Pre-Emptive
  • Pencegahan
  • Memperkuat keamanan fasilitas gedung

A project designed on the principles of risk assessment and mitigation of security threats. With the crucial factor in mind, the focus of the security concept based on:

  • Pre-Emptive Measures
  • Prevention
  • Strengthen the security of building facilities


Konsep operasi PT. Satria Raksa Buminusa didasarkan pada suatu pendekatan holistik. Sebelum dimulainya operasional proyek, semua Role Players yang mempunyai pengaruh atas operasi keamanan harus dapat dikenali. Ini meliputi seluruh orang yang berada di dalam proyek lokal, para pemimpin masyarakat, organisasi bukan pemerintah, pejabat lokal, otoritas pelaksanaan hukum lokal termasuk perwakilan pemimpin masyarakat.

PT. Satria Raksa Buminusa operation concept is based in a holistic approach. Prior to the commencement of project operations, all role players who have influence over security operations should be recognized. This includes project’s employees, community leaders, non-governmental organizations, local officials, local law enforcement authorities, including representatives from community leaders.

About Us

PT. Satria Raksa Buminusa, a privately owned national company was established on 24 April 2004. Holds licences from KAPOLRI to conduct the following services:

  • Education Services
  • Security Devices & Modern Technology Application
  • Security Consultancy Services
  • Manned Guarding Services

Rukan Tanjung Mas Raya B-1 No. 12 Jl. Raya Lenteng Agung, Tanjung Barat-Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta 12530